Sunday 15 July 2012


From the meeting took place on 23 June 2012, Northern Youth Association was able to come up with a program of its annual youth camp which will take place at Echizweni Seventh Day Baptists Church in the district of Mzimba. the camp will start on 5th at 6:00 PM and ends on 11th August 2012. Every one is invited to this camp as there will be many lessons of which are designed to meet and answer some of hidden questions that dwell among youth. The camp fee is as little as 250 kwacha each.  There will be lots of amazing activities like variety shows, festive basket/choir festive and sample wedding which aim will be to rise money for the nation youth membership of which Northern Youth Association is given a minimum of 5,000 kwacha.

For more information call Northern Youth Chairman on +265111990287 or +265888725175

God Bless you all